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Conference Proceedings
1 (
); 19-21

NASCON 2023 Proceedings

Department Anesthesiology and Critical care, AIIMS, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Department of Anesthesiology, GMERS, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Corresponding author: Bhuvaneswari B, Associate Professor, Dept Anesthesiology & Critical care, AIIMS Nagpur,
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 License, which allows others to remix, transform, and build upon the work noncommercially, as long as the author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

How to cite this article: Balasubramanian B, Pankhuri. NASCON 2023 Proceedings. J Neonatal Crit Care Anesth. 2024;1:19-21. doi: 10.25259/JNCCA_6_2023

Abstract - This article summarizes the proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of Neonatal Anesthesia Society (NAS), held on the virtual platform in July 2023, along with preconference workshops.


The 2nd National Conference of the Neonatal Anesthesia Society was held online on July 29–30, 2023, the theme being cardiopulmonary and vascular system, following the theme of the conference in 2022 “Airway management - be aware, be safe.” This conference saw an upsurge of total registrations from 155 to 293, with 170 for conferences and 176 for workshops.

Unique features of NASCON 2023 were – a. Held on a virtual platform and focused on academics, b. Knowledge-filled scientific program, c. Posters (two sessions) and free paper presentations, d. Quiz – in online mode was well executed, challenging, and thoroughly enjoyed by all, e. Workshops – pre-conference workshops conducted at seven centers in India, a week before the conference, on four important topics (July 22 and 23, 2023) – (1) neonatal airway management at AIIMS Delhi and PGI Chandigarh, (2) perioperative neonatal resuscitation (PoNR) at CNBC Delhi and Pt JNMMC Raipur, (3) echocardiography and lung ultrasound in neonates at Rainbow Children’s Hospital Delhi and AIIMS Nagpur, and (4) neonatal ventilation at PGICH Noida, attended by a diverse group of medical fraternity including a pediatrician, neonatologist, and anesthesia practitioners.

The concept of PoNR was founded in NASCON 2023 with a talk as well as workshops focused on the same. The scenarios faced in the perioperative period are different from those at birth and hence the need for attention.The scientific program was well structured and had 14 talks on very important topics, including Cardiopulmonary changes after birth and anesthetic implications; Lung physiology, ventilatory parameters in neonates, and neonatal ventilation; Cardiopulmonary interactions and ventricular dependence in newborns; Assessment of volume status, blood loss, fluid management, and blood transfusion in a surgical neonate with cardiopulmonary disorders; Perioperative monitoring in neonates undergoing surgery for thoracic surgeries; Cardiac emergencies in neonates; Anesthesia for thoracoscopic surgery and one lung ventilation in neonates; NORA in neonates with cardiopulmonary disorders; ERAS in neonates with cardiopulmonary disorders; Perioperative management of neonates undergoing PDA ligation and Blalock–Taussig (BT) shunt surgery; Non-cardiac surgery in neonates with cardiac defects; Echocardiography and lung ultrasound in neonates; PoNR; and Ethical considerations in anesthetic management and research in neonates with cardiopulmonary disorders. There was a session on Case-based Discussions – pre-operative evaluation (in a patient with congenital diaphragmatic hernia), anesthetic management (in a patient with tracheoesophageal fistula), monitoring, lung isolation, one lung ventilation (in a patient with congenital lobar emphysema for excision of bronchogenic cyst), and post-operative care and pain management (in a patient with gastroschisis).

The book on clinical anesthesia for the newborn and neonate published by Springer in March 2023, edited by Dr. Usha Saha, was introduced.

There were 2 poster sessions (total 15 posters) and one free paper session (4 presentations).

Poster 1: Airway related

  1. “Optimizing endotracheal tube placement in neonates with type C tracheoesophageal Fistula: Real-time point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) for accurate positioning” by Dr. Bhavna Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, AIIMS, Rishikesh

  2. Oral teratoma with difficult neonatal airway (CICV), by Dr. Neetu Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

  3. Posterior mediastinal neuroblastoma with unexplained cyanotic spells, by Dr. Richa Kewalramani, Fellow Pediatric Anesthesia, AIIMS, Jodhpur

  4. Neonatal difficult airway management needs a perfect plan: A case series, by Dr. Rajit Kumar, Senior Resident, Pediatric Anesthesiology, PGIMER, Chandigarh

  5. Neonatal fiberoptic bronchoscopy: A diagnostic boon, by Dr. Deepa Rani, Fellow Pediatric Anesthesia, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Delhi

  6. Anesthetic challenges in a case of giant encephalocele with micrognathia, by Dr. Neetu Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, MGM Medical College, Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Poster 2: Non-airway related

  1. Surviving against the odds: A novel intervention during cardiopulmonary management in a neonate undergoing a tracheoesophageal repair under general anesthesia, by Dr. Ahana Bose, Resident Pt JNMMC, Raipur

  2. Role of transthoracic echocardiography in optimal positioning of central venous catheter tip in neonates undergoing cardiac surgery, by Dr. Kanupriya Goel, Cardiac Anesthesia, Dr. RML Hospital, Delhi

  3. Sepsis in a neonate can be life-threatening adrenal insufficiency: A case report, by Dr. Shephali, Resident, PGIMER, Chandigarh

  4. Anesthetic considerations in a neonate with tracheoesophageal fistula, by Dr. Purnima Bhanot, Resident, DMC Ludhiana

  5. The struggle of an anesthesiologist, Dr. Sakshi Arora, Sr. Specialist, Dr. BSAM College and Hospital, Delhi

  6. Anesthesia for extremely low birth weight pre-term neonates by Dr. Jaspal Kaur, Resident, DMC Ludhiana

  7. TAR syndrome with single absent radius and tracheoesophageal fistula, by Dr. Vandna Arora, Associate Professor, CNBC, Delhi

  8. Arterial switch operation for D-transposition of great arteries with intact ventricular septum by Dr. K. G. Krithika, Resident Cardiac Anesthesia, AIIMS, Delhi

  9. Awake spinal in a very pre-term neonate by Dr. Hina Faraz, Resident Pediatric Anesthesia, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Delhi.

Free papers

  1. Perioperative challenges in modified BT shunt in neonates: A coeval experience, by Dr. Minati Choudhury, Professor, CTVS, AIIMS, Delhi

  2. A pre-training questionnaire-based survey of knowledge about the neonatal resuscitation program among nursing staff at a tertiary care teaching hospital, by Dr. Abhilasha Motghare, Assistant Professor, AIIMS, Rajkot

  3. ERAS: A budding concept in neonatal intestinal surgery, by Dr. Erram Harika Chaudhary, Resident, LHMC and SSK Hospitals, Delhi

  4. Comparison of ultrasound-guided versus landmark technique of caudal block in neonates: A pilot study, by Dr. Mohit Mittal, Resident, VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi.

The winners were Dr. Rajit Kumar (1st) and Dr. Neetu Gupta (2nd) in Poster I, Dr. Kanupriya Goel (1st) and Dr. Ahana Bose (2nd) in Poster II, and Dr. Erram Harika Chaudhary (1st) and Dr. Minati Chaudhary (2nd) for Free paper presentation

A total of 16 teams (two participants in each) entered the preliminary Quiz round and 6 teams were chosen for the final round, and the three winning teams were: AIIMS Delhi (1st) Dr. Pragya Preet Kaur and Dr. Saira Susan Mathew, AIIMS Jodhpur (2nd) Dr. Naina Chandani and Dr. Sugandhi Nemani, and AIIMS Jodhpur (3rd) Dr. Richa Kewalramani and Dr. Swati Ojha.

GBM was held virtually at the conclusion of NASCON 2023. It was attended by the following 55 members including the office bearers Usha Saha, Anju Gupta, Radhika Agarwala, Indu Sen, Chitra Garg, Geeta Kamal, Pratibha Jain Shah, Alok Gupta, Thilaka Muthiah, Anita Malik, Sadiya Zinjani, Nishkarsh Gupta, and Pankhuri Dwivedi. The meeting lasted for 1 h (6.45–7.45 pm). Secretary Anju Gupta welcomed and thanked everyone who had attended. This was followed by a short address by Usha Saha president, who welcomed and commended the efforts of all office bearers, members, and attendees in making the society rich and the conference successful.

Dr. Anju Gupta gave a brief overview of the conference in 2023 and NASCON 2023 and workshops. The following agendas were discussed and decisions were arrived at:

  1. Next year’s conference theme – Usha Saha suggested that we can do it on metabolic and hepatorenal systems. Anisha suggested gastro and urology systems and neuro or musculoskeletal systems. Bhawana suggested a theme on recent advances such as ERAS. Radhika suggested a section on recent advances in the topics previously covered such as airway management, Cardiovascular system (CVS), Non operating room anesthesia (NORA), Point of care ultra sound (POCUS). Members were asked to brainstorm various topics which could be included and suggested on the WhatsApp group.

  2. Workshops fto be heldin physical mode.

  3. NASCON 2024 to be held on the virtual platform due to the ease and feasibility of attendance by members from outside Delhi and abroad.

  4. Life membership (LM) fees to remain same as current, i.e., 5000 INR.

  5. Membership drive to be launched by increasing awareness about NAS on various social media platforms and to think about various incentives that NAS can provide to new members.

  6. Registration fees for NASCON 2024 – to increase all slots of conference registration fees. Various suggestions were received from the members. But all agreed on an increase in the registration fee for both comference and workshops.

  7. Newsletter – Usha Saha informed us that presently due to lack of funds, we may not be able to start a newsletter but will start a neonatal journal as early as possible.

The meeting concluded by Dr. Usha Saha thanking all executive members and faculty for the services rendered by them. Dr. Anju Gupta thanked NAS members and NAS executives for the opportunity given to her. All the NAS EC members switched on cameras for a group picture and the meeting was closed at 7:45 pm after a vote of thanks by Dr. Anju Gupta.

Ethical approval

Institutional Review Board approval is not required.

Declaration of patient consent

Patient’s consent is not required as there are no patients in this study.

Conflicts of interest

There are no conflicts of interest.

Use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for manuscript preparation

The authors confirm that there was no use of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technology for assisting in the writing or editing of the manuscript and no images were manipulated using AI.

Financial support and sponsorship


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